On March 2017 the Faculty of Security in Skopje of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, published the paper “Tackle insecurity in marginalized areas – MARGIN project: indicators and measures of insecurity” bythe EuroCrime Senior Researchers Dr. Silvia Ciotti PhD. and Dr. Filippo Balistreri.
The paper had been published in Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime, Vol. IIII, pp. 27/37, including the Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference held on 30th-31st May 2016 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
The paper is available in .pdf format at: https://fb.uklo.edu.mk/fs?file=collection/Tom%20III.pdf.
For more information on MARGIN: https://marginproject.eu.