On February 3rd 2020 the project “RE-TREAT – Reshaping treatment approaches towards victims of sexual violence within criminal proceedings” has started with funding from the European Commission.
The project includes EuroCrime in partnership with the “Carlos III” Univeristy (project leader, Spain), the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), the University of Sassari (Italy), the Union of Women Members’ Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (Greece), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).The overall aim of the RE-TREAT project is to boost procedural and organisational changes in the criminal proceedings within the justice systems in Spain, Italy and Greece in order to improve their responsiveness to particularneeds of victims of sexual crimes.
Thus, RE-TREAT will contribute to the practical implementation of the Directive 2012/29/EU, that establishes the rule of an individual assessment for all victims of crime in all EU MemberStates, considering personal characteristics of a victim and the nature and special characteristics of the crime, expressly mentioning sexual violence. In fact, victims of sexual crime are often re-victimised by justice systems, that are not adapted to their rights and needs, and practitioners still lack capacity building and specialised training.
The kick off meeting of the project will be held on February 20th and 21st 2020 in Madrid.