Within the EU project “RE-TREAT – Reshaping treatment approaches towards victims of sexual violence within criminal proceedings”, EuroCrime organizes, in partnership with Psicologia in Tribunale (Psychology in the Court), a capacity-building workshop aimed at empowering and raising awareness of the criminal judiciary regarding the adoption of tailor-made approaches when dealing with victims of sexual crimes. The course targets all legal professionals, magistrates and lawyers, bailiffs, forensic psychologists and operators of victim support services.
The training covers the following topics: myths and stereotypes related to sexual aggression; the emotional, psychological and social impact of sexual assaults on victims; the different experiences and needs of particular marginalized victims, like those with cognitive impairments, and those of CALD and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities. As a background, a Code of Conduct will be used, developed during the RE-TREAT project. This capacity building workshop was adapted on the basis of the feedback received in focus groups with criminal justice professionals during the earlier stages of the project.
The workshop will be conducted by Dr Silvia Ciotti of EuroCrime and will be held on the Zoom platform of Psychology in Court in synchronous FAD mode with live session on Friday, December 17, 2021 – 14:00-17:00. Then the registration of the course will be available on demand for 12 months. At the end of the training course the download of the certificate of participation will be available.
For more information: https://psicologiaintribunale.it/corsi-di-formazione/corso-di-formazione-del-progetto-re-treat-sul-trattamento-delle-vittime-di-reati-sessuali-17-dicembre/