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The MARGIN Project
Tackle Insecurity in Marginalized Areas
The MARGIN project was fully financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Programme.
The Project started in May 2015, it lasted 24 months and ended in April 2017.
One of the strengths of the MARGIN project is the high-level international framework for sharing knowledge, information and good practices on which it is founded.
MARGIN set up an international environment for knowledge exchange, involving as partners some of the leading EU institutions in Crime Victimization Surveys (CVSs):
- University of Barcelona – UB (project leader, Spain),
- EuroCrime srl – ECR (Italy)
- National Institute of Criminology – OKRI (Hungary),
- The National Supervisory Body on Crime and Punishment (ONDRP) as a department of the French National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security and Justice (INHESJ) (France)
- The University of Milano-Bicocca – UNIMIB (Italy),
- University College London – UCL (United Kingdom),
- The Home Affairs Department of the Government of Catalonia – INT (Spain)
The MARGIN project coordination activities are intended to contribute to the creation of sustainable modes of cooperation between stakeholders dealing with security issues. The project provides policy makers with evidence-based tools for developing and assessing strategies targeted at the reduction of insecurity among different demographic and socioeconomic groups. It sets up an international environment for knowledge exchange involving some of the leading EU institutions in Crime Victimization Surveys (CVSs). Along with police statistics, CVSs have become an internationally recognized tool for identifying and analysing factors affecting public and personal perceptions of insecurity. Perception of insecurity arises as a very heterogeneous concept not limited to actual crime rates but encompassing a wide range of other aspects including personal wellbeing, trust in public institutions, justice and social integration. MARGIN addresses the topic of insecurity by taking into account its heterogeneity.
Based on previous and on-going research activities, the project’s specific aims are:
- to create a framework enabling end-users to contrast objective and subjective measures of insecurity (i.e. compare police statistics with CVS data),
- to develop and validate a thematic survey with a sample of 15.400 citizens that allows for the assessment of the impact of demographic, socio-economic and socio-geographic variables on the perception of insecurity,
- to investigate the socio-cultural determinants of insecurity perception through the implementation of anthropological fieldwork in five EU countries
- to share best practices and outcomes in a final event with 100 key end-users.
By deepening the understanding of the root causes of insecurity, MARGIN is expected to foster the creation of community resilience practices empowering citizens (especially among those at risk of exclusion) to better face risks and increase the public and personal perception of security.
Project Results
The Three-Day Final Conference Event and the last Consortium Meeting of the MARGIN Project took place in Budapest from the 3rd to the 7th April 2017, and they were organized by OKRI, the Hungarian project partner.
Here you can find the document “Developing strategies to cope with socially constructed fears and insecurities. Evidence from the MARGIN project “. This document summarizes the key results of the MargIn multi-method approach and it indicates a number of recommendations to be implemented at European level for further research in the field of perception of insecurity in contemporary society. The document was written in September 2017
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The MARGIN project was funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Programme. Grant agreement no. 653004
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