SMART will offer leading industrial sectors the opportunity to include their own priorities in the research and development of advanced processes, products and services, to meet the challenges and take advantage of the fourth industrial revolution that is taking place at the moment and will have a profound impact on the future of industrial manufacturing. The goal is to define, perform and finance (through public and private funding) collaborative international research projects on close to market TRLs (technology readiness level) in sectors such as Aeronautics, Automotive, Industrial components, Energy Generation and Capital Goods.
At present, 70 organizations, distributed among 9 countries – Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey – have expressed their interest in participating in future SMART projects. Aernnova, Airbus Operations, B/S/H, Ensa, Mondragon, Grupo Antolin, Royo Group, Idesa and Navantia initiated the creation of SMART, with the full support of the present Spanish EUREKA Chair.
SMART is open to any type of organization covering the SMART Program research areas.
SMART will submit the Cluster applicant label before the end of the Spanish chairmanship next July 2017.