The EuroCrime Senior Researchers published a new paper on the EU funded MARGIN project –Book of Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference on Security in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

On March 2017 the Faculty of Security in Skopje of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, published the paper “Tackle insecurity in marginalized areas – MARGIN project: indicators and measures of insecurity” bythe EuroCrime Senior Researchers Dr. Silvia Ciotti PhD. and Dr. Filippo Balistreri. The paper had been published in Contemporary […]

EuroCrime organized a workshop on Victimization and MargIn Project experience – 15/16 March, 2017, Faculty of Security, Skopje (Macedonia)

Eurocrime, together with St. Kliment Ohridsky University Bitola Faculty of Security Studies, worked in these months for the organization of a workshop about topics related to the MargIn project. The title of the Workshop is the following: “Crime and Victimization Surveys: Challenges in Macedonia and MargIn Project Experience” and it will take place at the […]

EuroCrime presents “Indicators, Surveys and Results of the MARGIN Project” at the International Conference “Preventing Victimization in Vulnerable Communities” – Bucharest, Romania, December 7-8th 2016

EuroCrime – Research, Training and Consulting is glad to inform you that Dr. Filippo Balistreri, Senior Researcher at EuroCrime, had been invited to the International Conference “Preventing victimization in Vulnerable Communities” hosted by the Institute of National Economy – Romanian Academy. The event will be held on December 7-8th 2016 in Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Balistreri […]

EuroCrime presents “Indicators, Surveys and Results of the MARGIN Project” at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia – Belgrade, Serbia, November 24-25th 2016

EuroCrime – Research, Training and Consulting is pleased to inform you that Dr. Filippo Balistreri, Senior Researcher at EuroCrime, will participate at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS). The event will be held on November 24-25th 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia, at the 88 Rooms Hotel. The conference is dedicated to […]

EuroCrime organizes a Panel Session and a Poster Presentation during Eurocrim2016 – 16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC), 21/24 September 2016, Munster, Germany

In the context of Eurocrim2016, EuroCrime organizes a Session during Panel 5, to be held of 22th September at 5.30 pm. The session is the number 5.5 and the title is: “The EU funded research and the Societal Challenges pillar. Different challenges, different approaches” and it is chaired by Dr. Silvia Ciotti. The aim is […]

MargIn Project – EuroCrime selected the company responsible for the development of the survey about the perception of insecurity. 16 Interviewers instructed by EuroCrime’ staff

In the context of MargIn project, EuroCrime is responsible of the scientific investigation aiming to collect information about the perception, expectations and conditions of insecurity for citizens. The research will be developed using a casual sample of 15.400 adult citizens living in the Italian territory, of Italian and foreign nationalities. The Italian company Demetra […]

EuroCrime Senior Researchers, Silvia Ciotti PhD. and Dr. Filippo Balistreri, have published their paper on the MARGIN project on Temida journal

On June 19th 2016 Temida, scientific journal of the Victimology Society of Serbia, published the paper “Tackle insecurity in marginalized areas – MARGIN project: presentation and ethics approach” of Silvia Ciotti PhD. and Dr. Filippo Balistreri, Senior Researchers at EuroCrime. The new issue of the journal is dedicated to “New trends in victimology theory and […]