Continuous editions.
Project Managers, Area Managers and Assistants, Project Planners, Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Researchers interested or involved in the elaboration of project proposals, for the participation to European, national or local calls for proposals.
The aim of this course is to analyze different instruments of European funding: from those directly managed by the European Commission (as Horizon Europe and the Fast Track to Innovation programmes) to those managed and distributed by national authorities (as the Structural Funds and the contributions of the European Social Fund).
Details will be given about different types of European calls for proposals, their nature and relevance, requirements for a correct participation and the timing of the different calls (as opening and closing details). Attendees will receive information about practical tools for the analysis of different calls for proposals (as official magazines and dedicated websites), with a special focus on European institutions in charge of the distribution of funds and students will also receive latest news about European policies and strategies in the field of European funding.
The proposed structure is for a full immersion, two-days course, that can be organised also during week ends. It can be adapted and customised to meet the needs of the participants.
I MODULE (one day)
– The European Programming for the period 2021-2027, and the different kinds of European fundings (one hour)
– The European Cohesion Policy (two hours):
– The European Structural Funds – European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund
– The Cohesion Fund
– European External Cooperation Programmes (one hour):
– European Programmes for the cooperation with Third Countries: IPA, ENPPI, DCI, and others
– European Programmes (three hours). Horizon Europe, its structure and its objectives. The other EU funding programmes
– European call for proposals in general. Who can participate and who can obtain funding
– Eligible Countries
– The European definition of Small and Medium Enterprises
– Independent, linked and associated companies
– Percentages of funding and of cofinancing
– Practical Activity (one hour)
II MODULE (one day)
– Contents of the European calls for proposals and information needed (one hour)
– The “life” of an European Project (Project Cycle). Fundamental principles (one hour)
– The European Project Planning. The writing of a project proposal (one hour)
– Characteristics of an European Project. Beneficiaries of project (one hour)
– Introduction to the HorizonEurope Funding & Tenders Portal and to the most useful website in the field of European planning and calls searching (one hour)
– European Call for Tenders (TED). Different types of TED searching (depending on commercial opportunities, sectors of activity, place of delivery of goods and services) (two huours)
– Practical Activity (one hour).
The course is actually provided on line. Considering the need not only to provide knowledge and information to the participants, but also to involve them in practical activities and to support them through Q&A sessions, it is provided through on line platforms and tools requiring the simultaneous attendance of the participants. Deferred and non-synchronous classes may be organised if appropriate.
At the beginning of each module, the participants will receive in electronic format the slides that will be used. During classes, websites and useful links will be indicated to the attendees, and will be used for the development of different practical exercises.
The course will last 16 hours.
Minimum number of participants: 5.
Maximum number of participants: 15.
In this page – Image credits: By S. Solberg J., CC BY 3.0, httpss://