Training Course of the ENCLAVE project on the children victims and witnesses of violence in the criminal and civil process – October 7th 2022

Training Course of the ENCLAVE project on the children victims and witnesses of violence in the criminal and civil process – October 7th 2022

Within the EU project “ENCLAVE – Enhancing the capacity of legal & justice professionals on forensic interview procedures for children victims and witnesses of violence”, EuroCrime organizes, in partnership with Psicologia in Tribunale (Psychology in Court), free a capacity-building workshop aimed at promoting an aware and multidisciplinary approach to the interview in civil and criminal judicial proceedings, including protected auditions, of the child victim or witness of violence and abuse. The course targets all legal professionals, magistrates and lawyers, judicial officers, forensic psychologists, law enforcement officers, and professionals from the victim support services, especially those ones dealing with minors.

The training has been designed to provide to all those subjects involved in forensic activities with children victims or witnesses of violence and abuse, an overview of the needs of the children involved, their rights and the need to protect them (in particular against the risk of double victimisation), the risks to their psycho-physical well-being. At the same time, the workshop will address the judicial, regulatory, and procedural requirements, and the professional role of the other parties involved. The workshop is based on the feedback received during focus groups organised with criminal and civil justice professionals during the earlier stages of the project.

The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Silvia Ciotti, EuroCrime’s Senior Trainer and Researcher, and will be streamed on the Zoom platform of Psychology in Court in synchronous FAD mode with live session on Friday, October 7, 2022 – 16:00-19:00. Then the recorded course will be made available on demand for 12 months. At the end of the workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to download the certificate of attendance.

For more information: httpss://


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